denn Wie man sich bettet

fiction, short
Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

A short film directed and written by Frederik Bösing and Max Rechtsteiner.

Things are going badly for bed salesman Uwe. He has money troubles, the furniture store has fired him, and of all times, he’s looking for a place to sleep at Christmas. When he tries to spend the night in the bed department, he gets caught by the aging security guard, Bernd. Uwe runs away and discovers that Bernd is running a shady business in the furniture store. In the anonymity of the night, Bernd sells identities, and tonight, he has a customer with special demands.

Working on this film was a pleasure. Talking about the script from early stages in script as well as in post with Frederik and Max it was clear from the beginning that this comedy needs something very specific to accompany the main characters of Uwe and Bernd. Eventually we used 50s Drums as well as a Blues-Guitar that fit it perfectly.

Though later on in the film a weird client, named Lorenz appears which introduces another style of music that was especially fun to create.

Premiere at Filmschau Baden-Württemberg 2023.


Uwe – Arne Löber
Bernd – Martin Umbach
Lorenz – Tom Gronau
Paula – Alina Heipe
Pauline – Liliana Merker

Buch – Max Rechtsteiner, Frederik Bösing
Regie – Frederik Bösing
Bildgestaltung – Benedict Uphoff
Szenografie – Marie Brossmann, Pia Beckmann
Montage – Jueli Kanuma
Sounddesign & Mix – Timo Klabunde
Filmmusik – Kilian Oser
Produktion – Tristan Schneider, Julius Wieler
Regieassistenz – Paula Meier

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